Code Overview


Module to deal with all matters relating to loading example data sets, which we tune ML models to.


The different problem types we consider. Currently, just regression (reg) and classification (clf).[source]

Determine if this dataset is a regression of classification problem.


dataset (str) – Which data set to use, must be key in DATA_LOADERS dict, or name of custom csv file.


problem_typeEnum to indicate if regression of classification data set.

Return type

ProblemType, data_root=None)[source]

Load a data set and return it in, pre-processed into numpy arrays.

  • dataset (str) – Which data set to use, must be key in DATA_LOADERS dict, or name of custom csv file.

  • data_root (str) – Root directory to look for all custom csv files. May be None for sklearn data sets.


  • data (numpy.ndarray of shape (n, d)) – The feature matrix of the data set. It will be float array.

  • target (numpy.ndarray of shape (n,)) – The target vector for the problem, which is int for classification and float for regression.

  • problem_type ( – Enum to indicate if regression of classification data set.

Expected Max Estimation

Compute expected maximum or minimum from iid samples.

bayesmark.expected_max.expected_max(x, m)[source]

Compute unbiased estimator of expected max(x[1:m]) on a data set.

  • x (numpy.ndarray of shape (n,)) – Data set we would like expected max(x[1:m]) on.

  • m (int or numpy.ndarray with dtype int) – This function is for estimating the expected maximum over m iid draws. Require m >= 1. This can be broadcasted. If m > n, the weights will be nan, because there is no way to get unbiased estimate in that case.


E_max_x – Unbiased estimate of mean max of m draws from distribution on x.

Return type


bayesmark.expected_max.expected_min(x, m)[source]

Compute unbiased estimator of expected min(x[1:m]) on a data set.

  • x (numpy.ndarray of shape (n,)) – Data set we would like expected min(x[1:m]) on. Require len(x) >= 1.

  • m (int or numpy.ndarray with dtype int) – This function is for estimating the expected minimum over m iid draws. Require m >= 1. This can be broadcasted. If m > n, the weights will be nan, because there is no way to get unbiased estimate in that case.


E_min_x – Unbiased estimate of mean min of m draws from distribution on x.

Return type


bayesmark.expected_max.get_expected_max_weights(n, m)[source]

Get the L-estimator weights for computing unbiased estimator of expected max(x[1:m]) on a data set.

  • n (int) – Number of data points in data set len(x). Must be >= 1.

  • m (int or numpy.ndarray with dtype int) – This function is for estimating the expected maximum over m iid draws. Require m >= 1. This can be broadcasted. If m > n, the weights will be nan, because there is no way to get unbiased estimate in that case.


pdf – The weights for L-estimator. Will be positive and sum to one.

Return type

numpy.ndarray, shape (n,)

Experiment Aggregation

Aggregate the results of many studies to prepare analysis.

bayesmark.experiment_aggregate.concat_experiments(all_experiments, ravel=False)[source]

Aggregate the Datasets from a series of experiments into combined Dataset.

  • all_experiments (typing.Iterable) – Iterable (possible from a generator) with the Datasets from each experiment. Each item in all_experiments is a pair containing (meta_data, data). See load_experiments for details on these variables,

  • ravel (bool) – If true, ravel all studies to store batch suggestions as if they were serial.


  • all_perf (xarray.Dataset) – DataArray containing all of the perf_da from the experiments. The meta-data from the experiments are included as extra dimensions. all_perf has dimensions (ITER, SUGGEST, TEST_CASE, METHOD, TRIAL). To convert the uuid to a trial, there must be an equal number of repetition in the experiments for each TEST_CASE, METHOD combination. Likewise, all of the experiments need an equal number of ITER and SUGGEST. If ravel is true, then the SUGGEST is singleton.

  • all_time (xarray.Dataset) – Dataset containing all of the time_ds from the experiments. The new dimensions are (ITER, TEST_CASE, METHOD, TRIAL). It has the same variables as time_ds.

  • all_suggest (xarray.Dataset) – DataArray containing all of the suggest_ds from the experiments. It has dimensions (ITER, SUGGEST, TEST_CASE, METHOD, TRIAL).

  • all_sigs (dict(str, list(list(float)))) – Aggregate of all experiment signatures.

bayesmark.experiment_aggregate.load_experiments(uuid_list, db_root, dbid)[source]

Generator to load the results of the experiments.

  • uuid_list (list(uuid.UUID)) – List of UUIDs corresponding to experiments to load.

  • db_root (str) – Root location for data store as requested by the serializer used.

  • dbid (str) – Name of the data store as requested by the serializer used.

  • meta_data ((str, str, str)) – The meta_data contains a tuple of str with test_case, optimizer, uuid.

  • data ((xarray.Dataset, xarray.Dataset, xarray.Dataset list(float))) – The data contains a tuple of (perf_ds, time_ds, suggest_ds, sig). The perf_ds is a xarray.Dataset containing the evaluation results with dimensions (ITER, SUGGEST), each variable is an objective. The time_ds is an xarray.Dataset containing the timing results of the form accepted by summarize_time. The coordinates must be compatible with perf_ds. The suggest_ds is a xarray.Dataset containing the inputs to the function evaluations. Each variable is a function input. Finally, sig contains the test_case signature and must be list(float).


Transform a single timing dataset from an experiment into a form better for aggregation.


all_time (xarray.Dataset) – Dataset with variables (SUGGEST_PHASE, EVAL_PHASE, OBS_PHASE) which have dimensions (ITER,), (ITER, SUGGEST), and (ITER,), respectively. The variable EVAL_PHASE has the function evaluation time for each parallel suggestion.


time_summary – Dataset with variables (SUGGEST_PHASE, OBS_PHASE, EVAL_PHASE_MAX, EVAL_PHASE_SUM) which all have dimensions (ITER,). The maximum EVAL_PHASE_MAX is relevant for wall clock time, while EVAL_PHASE_SUM is relevant for CPU time.

Return type


bayesmark.experiment_aggregate.validate_agg_perf(perf_da, min_trial=1)[source]

Validate the aggregated eval data set.


Validate the input eval data arrays.


Validate the aggregated time data set.

Experiment Analysis

Perform analysis to compare different optimizers across problems.

bayesmark.experiment_analysis.compute_aggregates(perf_da, baseline_ds, visible_perf_da=None)[source]

Aggregate function evaluations in the experiments to get performance summaries of each method.

  • perf_da (xarray.DataArray) – Aggregate experimental results with each function evaluation in the experiments according to true loss (e.g., generalization). perf_da has dimensions (ITER, SUGGEST, TEST_CASE, METHOD, TRIAL) as is assumed to have no nan values.

  • baseline_ds (xarray.Dataset) – Dataset with baseline performance. It was variables (PERF_MED, PERF_MEAN, PERF_CLIP, PERF_BEST) with dimensions (ITER, TEST_CASE), (ITER, TEST_CASE), (TEST_CASE,), and (TEST_CASE,), respectively. PERF_MED is a baseline of performance based on random search when using medians to summarize performance. Likewise, PERF_MEAN is for means. PERF_CLIP is an upperbound to clip poor performance when using the mean. PERF_BEST is an estimate on the global minimum.

  • visible_perf_da (xarray.DataArray) – Aggregate experimental results with each function evaluation in the experiments according to visible loss (e.g., validation). visible_perf_da has dimensions (ITER, SUGGEST, TEST_CASE, METHOD, TRIAL) as is assumed to have no nan values. If None, we set visible_perf_da = perf_da.


  • agg_result (xarray.Dataset) – Dataset with summary of performance for each method and test case combination. Contains variables: (PERF_MED, LB_MED, UB_MED, NORMED_MED, PERF_MEAN, LB_MEAN, UB_MEAN, NORMED_MEAN) each with dimensions (ITER, METHOD, TEST_CASE). PERF_MED is a median summary of performance with LB_MED and UB_MED as error bars. NORMED_MED is a rescaled PERF_MED so we expect the optimal performance is 0, and random search gives 1 at all ITER. Likewise, PERF_MEAN, LB_MEAN, UB_MEAN, NORMED_MEAN are for mean performance.

  • summary (xarray.Dataset) – Dataset with overall summary of performance of each method. Contains variables (PERF_MED, LB_MED, UB_MED, PERF_MEAN, LB_MEAN, UB_MEAN) each with dimensions (ITER, METHOD).

bayesmark.experiment_analysis.get_perf_array(evals, evals_visible)[source]

Get the actual (e.g., generalization loss) over iterations.

  • evals (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_iter, n_batch, n_trials)) – The actual loss (e.g., generalization) for a given experiment.

  • evals_visible (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_iter, n_batch, n_trials)) – The observable loss (e.g., validation) for a given experiment.


perf_array – The best performance so far at iteration i from evals. Where the best has been selected according to evals_visible.

Return type

numpy.ndarray of shape (n_iter, n_trials)

Experiment Baseline

Build performance baselines from aggregate results to prepare analysis.


Compute a performance baseline of base and best performance from the aggregate experimental results.


perf_da (xarray.DataArray) – Aggregate experimental results with each function evaluation in the experiments. all_perf has dimensions (ITER, SUGGEST, TEST_CASE, METHOD, TRIAL) as is assumed to have no nan values.


baseline_ds – Dataset with baseline performance. It was variables (PERF_MED, PERF_MEAN, PERF_CLIP, PERF_BEST) with dimensions (ITER, TEST_CASE), (ITER, TEST_CASE), (TEST_CASE,), and (TEST_CASE,), respectively. PERF_MED is a baseline of performance based on random search when using medians to summarize performance. Likewise, PERF_MEAN is for means. PERF_CLIP is an upperbound to clip poor performance when using the mean. PERF_BEST is an estimate on the global minimum.

Return type



Perform same tracks as will happen in analysis.

Experiment Launcher

Launch studies in separate studies or do dry run to build jobs file with lists of commands to run.


Cast value as str, raise error if not safe as argument to argparse.

bayesmark.experiment_launcher.dry_run(args, opt_file_lookup, run_uuid, fp, random=<mtrand.RandomState object>)[source]

Write to buffer description of commands for running all experiments.

This function is almost pure by writing to a buffer, but it could be switched to a generator.

  • args (dict(CmdArgs, [int, str])) – Arguments of options to pass to the experiments being launched. The keys corresponds to the same arguments passed to this program.

  • opt_file_lookup (dict(str, str)) – Mapping from method name to filename containing wrapper class for the method.

  • run_uuid (uuid.UUID) – UUID for this launcher run. Needed to generate different experiments UUIDs on each call. This function is deterministic provided the same run_uuid.

  • fp (writable buffer) – File handle to write out sequence of commands to execute (broken into jobs on each line) to execute all the experiments (possibly each job in parallel).

  • random (RandomState) – Random stream to use for reproducibility.

bayesmark.experiment_launcher.gen_commands(args, opt_file_lookup, run_uuid)[source]

Generator providing commands to launch processes for experiments.

  • args (dict(CmdArgs, [int, str])) – Arguments of options to pass to the experiments being launched. The keys corresponds to the same arguments passed to this program.

  • opt_file_lookup (dict(str, str)) – Mapping from method name to filename containing wrapper class for the method.

  • run_uuid (uuid.UUID) – UUID for this launcher run. Needed to generate different experiments UUIDs on each call. This function is deterministic provided the same run_uuid.

  • iteration_key ((str, str, str, str)) – Tuple containing (trial, classifier, data, optimizer) to index the experiment.

  • full_cmd (tuple(str)) – Strings containing command and arguments to run a process with experiment. Join with whitespace or use util.shell_join() to get string with executable command. The command omits --opt-root which means it will default to . if the command is executed. As such, the command assumes it is executed with --opt-root as the working directory.

bayesmark.experiment_launcher.real_run(args, opt_file_lookup, run_uuid, timeout=None)[source]

Run sequence of independent experiments to fully run the benchmark.

This uses subprocess to launch a separate process (in serial) for each experiment.

  • args (dict(CmdArgs, [int, str])) – Arguments of options to pass to the experiments being launched. The keys corresponds to the same arguments passed to this program.

  • opt_file_lookup (dict(str, str)) – Mapping from method name to filename containing wrapper class for the method.

  • run_uuid (uuid.UUID) – UUID for this launcher run. Needed to generate different experiments UUIDs on each call. This function is deterministic provided the same run_uuid.

  • timeout (int) – Max seconds per experiment


Perform a study.

bayesmark.experiment.build_eval_ds(function_evals, objective_names)[source]

Convert numpy.ndarray with function evaluations to xarray.Dataset.

This function is a data cleanup routine after running an experiment, before serializing the data to end the study.

  • function_evals (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_calls, n_suggestions, n_obj)) – Value of objective for each evaluation.

  • objective_names (list(str) of shape (n_obj,)) – The names of each objective.


eval_dsxarray.Dataset containing one variable for each objective with the objective function evaluations. It has dimensions (ITER, SUGGEST).

Return type



Convert numpy.ndarray with function evaluation inputs to xarray.Dataset.

This function is a data cleanup routine after running an experiment, before serializing the data to end the study.


suggest_log (list(list(dict(str, object)))) – Log of the suggestions. It has shape (n_call, n_suggest).


suggest_dsxarray.Dataset containing one variable for each input with the objective function evaluations. It has dimensions (ITER, SUGGEST).

Return type


bayesmark.experiment.build_timing_ds(suggest_time, eval_time, observe_time)[source]

Convert numpy.ndarray with timing evaluations to xarray.Dataset.

This function is a data cleanup routine after running an experiment, before serializing the data to end the study.

  • suggest_time (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_calls,)) – The time to make each (batch) suggestion.

  • eval_time (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_calls, n_suggestions)) – The time for each evaluation of the objective function.

  • observe_time (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_calls,)) – The time for each (batch) evaluation of the objective function, and the time to make an observe call.


time_ds – Dataset with variables (SUGGEST_PHASE, EVAL_PHASE, OBS_PHASE) which have dimensions (ITER,), (ITER, SUGGEST), and (ITER,), respectively. The variable EVAL_PHASE has the function evaluation time for each parallel suggestion.

Return type


bayesmark.experiment.get_objective_signature(model_name, dataset, scorer, data_root=None)[source]

Get signature of an objective function specified by an sklearn model and dataset.

This routine specializes signatures.get_func_signature() for the sklearn study case.

  • model_name (str) – Which sklearn model we are attempting to tune, must be an element of constants.MODEL_NAMES.

  • dataset (str) – Which data set the model is being tuned to, which must be either a) an element of constants.DATA_LOADER_NAMES, or b) the name of a csv file in the data_root folder for a custom data set.

  • scorer (str) – Which metric to use when evaluating the model. This must be an element of sklearn_funcs.SCORERS_CLF for classification models, or sklearn_funcs.SCORERS_REG for regression models.

  • data_root (str) – Absolute path to folder containing custom data sets. This may be None if no custom data sets are used.``


signature – The signature of this test function.

Return type


bayesmark.experiment.load_optimizer_kwargs(optimizer_name, opt_root)[source]

Load the kwarg options for this optimizer being tested.

This is part of the general experiment setup before a study.

  • optimizer_name (str) – Name of the optimizer being tested. This optimizer name must be present in optimizer config file.

  • opt_root (str) – Absolute path to folder containing the config file.


kwargs – The kwargs setting to pass into the optimizer wrapper constructor.

Return type

dict(str, object)


This is where experiments happen. Usually called by the experiment launcher.

bayesmark.experiment.run_sklearn_study(opt_class, opt_kwargs, model_name, dataset, scorer, n_calls, n_suggestions, data_root=None, callback=None)[source]

Run a study for a single optimizer on a single sklearn model/data set combination.

This routine is meant for benchmarking when tuning sklearn models, as opposed to the more general run_study().

  • opt_class (abstract_optimizer.AbstractOptimizer) – Type of wrapper optimizer must be subclass of abstract_optimizer.AbstractOptimizer.

  • opt_kwargs (kwargs) – kwargs to use when instantiating the wrapper class.

  • model_name (str) – Which sklearn model we are attempting to tune, must be an element of constants.MODEL_NAMES.

  • dataset (str) – Which data set the model is being tuned to, which must be either a) an element of constants.DATA_LOADER_NAMES, or b) the name of a csv file in the data_root folder for a custom data set.

  • scorer (str) – Which metric to use when evaluating the model. This must be an element of sklearn_funcs.SCORERS_CLF for classification models, or sklearn_funcs.SCORERS_REG for regression models.

  • n_calls (int) – How many iterations of minimization to run.

  • n_suggestions (int) – How many parallel evaluation we run each iteration. Must be >= 1.

  • data_root (str) – Absolute path to folder containing custom data sets. This may be None if no custom data sets are used.``

  • callback (callable) – Optional callback taking the current best function evaluation, and the number of iterations finished. Takes array of shape (n_obj,).


  • function_evals (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_calls, n_suggestions, n_obj)) – Value of objective for each evaluation.

  • timing_evals ((numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray)) – Tuple of 3 timing results: (suggest_time, eval_time, observe_time) with shapes (n_calls,), (n_calls, n_suggestions), and (n_calls,). These are the time to make each suggestion, the time for each evaluation of the objective function, and the time to make an observe call.

  • suggest_log (list(list(dict(str, object)))) – Log of the suggestions corresponding to the function_evals.

bayesmark.experiment.run_study(optimizer, test_problem, n_calls, n_suggestions, n_obj=1, callback=None)[source]

Run a study for a single optimizer on a single test problem.

This function can be used for benchmarking on general stateless objectives (not just sklearn).

  • optimizer (abstract_optimizer.AbstractOptimizer) – Instance of one of the wrapper optimizers.

  • test_problem (sklearn_funcs.TestFunction) – Instance of test function to attempt to minimize.

  • n_calls (int) – How many iterations of minimization to run.

  • n_suggestions (int) – How many parallel evaluation we run each iteration. Must be >= 1.

  • n_obj (int) – Number of different objectives measured, only objective 0 is seen by optimizer. Must be >= 1.

  • callback (callable) – Optional callback taking the current best function evaluation, and the number of iterations finished. Takes array of shape (n_obj,).


  • function_evals (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_calls, n_suggestions, n_obj)) – Value of objective for each evaluation.

  • timing_evals ((numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray)) – Tuple of 3 timing results: (suggest_time, eval_time, observe_time) with shapes (n_calls,), (n_calls, n_suggestions), and (n_calls,). These are the time to make each suggestion, the time for each evaluation of the objective function, and the time to make an observe call.

  • suggest_log (list(list(dict(str, object)))) – Log of the suggestions corresponding to the function_evals.

Function Signatures

Routines to compute and compare the “signatures” of objective functions. These are useful to make sure two different studies were actually optimizing the same objective function (even if they say the same test case in the meta-data).

bayesmark.signatures.analyze_signature_pair(signatures, signatures_ref)[source]

Analyze a pair of signatures (often from two sets of experiments) and return the error between them.

  • signatures (dict(str, list(float))) – Signatures from set of experiments. The signatures must all be the same length, so it should be 2D array like.

  • signatures_ref (dict(str, list(float))) – The signatures from a reference set of experiments. The keys in signatures must be a subset of the signatures in signatures_ref.


  • sig_errs (pandas.DataFrame) – rows are test cases, columns are test points.

  • signatures_median (dict(str, list(float))) – Median signature across all repetition per test case.


Analyze function signatures from the experiment.


signatures (dict(str, list(list(float)))) – The signatures should all be the same length, so it should be 2D array like.


  • sig_errs (pandas.DataFrame) – rows are test cases, columns are test points.

  • signatures_median (dict(str, list(float))) – Median signature across all repetition per test case.

bayesmark.signatures.get_func_signature(f, api_config)[source]

Get the function signature for an objective function in an experiment.

  • f (typing.Callable) – The objective function we want to compute the signature of. This function must take inputs in the form of dict(str, object) with one dictionary key per variable, and provide float as the output.

  • api_config (dict(str, dict)) – Configuration of the optimization variables. See API description.


  • signature_x (list(dict(str, object)) of shape (n_suggest,)) – The input locations probed on signature call.

  • signature_y (list(float) of shape (n_suggest,)) – The objective function values at the inputs points. This is the real signature.

Numpy Util

Utilities to that could be included in numpy but aren’t.


Take the arg minimum of a 2D array.

bayesmark.np_util.clip_chk(x, lb, ub, allow_nan=False)[source]

Clip all element of x to be between lb and ub like numpy.clip(), but also check numpy.isclose().

Shapes of all input variables must be broadcast compatible.

  • x (numpy.ndarray) – Array containing elements to clip.

  • lb (numpy.ndarray) – Lower limit in clip.

  • ub (numpy.ndarray) – Upper limit in clip.

  • allow_nan (bool) – If true, we allow nan to be present in x without out raising an error.


x – An array with the elements of x, but where values < lb are replaced with lb, and those > ub with ub.

Return type


bayesmark.np_util.cummin(x_val, x_key)[source]

Get the cumulative minimum of x_val when ranked according to x_key.

  • x_val (numpy.ndarray of shape (n, d)) – The array to get the cumulative minimum of along axis 0.

  • x_key (numpy.ndarray of shape (n, d)) – The array for ranking elements as to what is the minimum.


c_min – The cumulative minimum array.

Return type

numpy.ndarray of shape (n, d)

bayesmark.np_util.isclose_lte(x, y)[source]

Check that less than or equal to (lte, x <= y) is approximately true between all elements of x and y.

This is similar to numpy.allclose() for equality. Shapes of all input variables must be broadcast compatible.


lte – True if x <= y is approximately true element-wise.

Return type


bayesmark.np_util.linear_rescale(X, lb0, ub0, lb1, ub1, enforce_bounds=True)[source]

Linearly transform all elements of X, bounded between lb0 and ub0, to be between lb1 and ub1.

Shapes of all input variables must be broadcast compatible.

  • X (numpy.ndarray) – Array containing elements to rescale.

  • lb0 (numpy.ndarray) – Current lower bound of X.

  • ub0 (numpy.ndarray) – Current upper bound of X.

  • lb1 (numpy.ndarray) – Desired lower bound of X.

  • ub1 (numpy.ndarray) – Desired upper bound of X.

  • enforce_bounds (bool) – If True, perform input bounds check (and clipping if slight violation) on the input X and again on the output. This argument is not meant to be vectorized like the other input variables.


X – Elements of input X after linear rescaling.

Return type


bayesmark.np_util.random_seed(random=<mtrand.RandomState object>)[source]

Draw a random seed compatible with numpy.random.RandomState.


random (numpy.random.RandomState) – Random stream to use to draw the random seed.


seed – Seed for a new random stream in [0, 2**32-1).

Return type


bayesmark.np_util.shuffle_2d(X, random=<mtrand.RandomState object>)[source]

Generalization of numpy.random.shuffle() of 2D array.

Performs in-place shuffling of X. So, it has no return value.

  • X (numpy.ndarray of shape (n, m)) – Array-like 2D data to shuffle in place. Shuffles order of rows and order of elements within a row.

  • random (numpy.random.RandomState) – Random stream to use to draw the random seed.

bayesmark.np_util.snap_to(x, fixed_val=None)[source]

Snap input x to the fixed_val unless fixed_val is None, where x is returned.

  • x (numpy.ndarray) – Array containing elements to snap.

  • fixed_val (numpy.ndarray or None) – Values to be returned if x is close, otherwise an error is raised. If fixed_val is None, x is returned.


fixed_val – Snapped to value of x.

Return type


bayesmark.np_util.strat_split(X, n_splits, inplace=False, random=<mtrand.RandomState object>)[source]

Make a stratified random split of items.

  • X (numpy.ndarray of shape (n, m)) – Data we would like to split randomly into groups. We should get the same number +/-1 of elements from each row in each group.

  • n_splits (int) – How many groups we want to split into.

  • inplace (bool) – If true, this function will cause in place modifications to X.

  • random (numpy.random.RandomState) – Random stream to use for reproducibility.


Y – Stratified split of X where each row of Y contains the same number +/-1 of elements from each row of X. Must be a list of arrays since each row may have a different length.

Return type


Path Util

Utilities handy for manipulating paths that have extra checks not included in os.path.

bayesmark.path_util.absopen(path, mode)[source]

Safe version of the built in open() that only opens absolute paths.

  • path (str) – Absolute path. An assertion failure is raised if it is not absolute.

  • mode (str) – Open mode, any mode understood by the built in open(), e.g., "r" or "w".


f – File handle open to use.

Return type

file handle

bayesmark.path_util.abspath(path, verify=True)[source]

Combo of os.path.abspath() and os.path.expanduser() that will also check existence of directory.

  • path (str) – Relative path string that can also contain home directories, e.g., "~/git/".

  • verify (bool) – If true, verifies that the directory exists. Raises an assertion failure if it does not exist.


path – Absolute version of input path.

Return type



Safe version of os.path.join() that checks resulting path is absolute and the file exists for reading.


*args (str) – varargs for parts of path to combine. The last argument must be a file name.


fname – Absolute path to filename.

Return type



Safe version of os.path.join() that checks resulting path is absolute.

Because this routine is for writing, if the file already exists, a warning is raised.


*args (str) – varargs for parts of path to combine. The last argument must be a file name.


fname – Absolute path to filename.

Return type


Quantile Estimation

Compute quantiles and confidence intervals.

bayesmark.quantiles.max_quantile_CI(X, q, m, alpha=0.05)[source]

Calculate CI on q quantile of distribution on max of m iid samples using a data set X.

This uses nonparametric estimation from order statistics and will have alpha level of at most alpha due to the discrete nature of order statistics.

  • X (numpy.ndarray of shape (n,)) – Data for quantile estimation. Can be vectorized. Must be sortable data type (which is almost everything).

  • q (float) – Quantile to compute, must be in (0, 1). Can be vectorized.

  • m (int) – Compute statistics for distribution on max over m samples. Must be >= 1. Can be vectorized.

  • alpha (float) – False positive rate we allow for CI, must be in (0, 1). Can be vectorized.


  • estimate (dtype of X, scalar) – Best estimate on q quantile on max over m iid samples.

  • LB (dtype of X, scalar) – Lower end on CI

  • UB (dtype of X, scalar) – Upper end on CI

bayesmark.quantiles.min_quantile_CI(X, q, m, alpha=0.05)[source]

Calculate confidence interval on q quantile of distribution on min of m iid samples using a data set X.

This uses nonparametric estimation from order statistics and will have alpha level of at most alpha due to the discrete nature of order statistics.

  • X (numpy.ndarray of shape (n,)) – Data for quantile estimation. Can be vectorized. Must be sortable data type (which is almost everything).

  • q (float) – Quantile to compute, must be in (0, 1). Can be vectorized.

  • m (int) – Compute statistics for distribution on min over m samples. Must be >= 1. Can be vectorized.

  • alpha (float) – False positive rate we allow for CI, must be in (0, 1). Can be vectorized.


  • estimate (dtype of X, scalar) – Best estimate on q quantile on min over m iid samples.

  • LB (dtype of X, scalar) – Lower end on CI

  • UB (dtype of X, scalar) – Upper end on CI


Compute order statistics on sample X.

Follows convention that order statistic 1 is minimum and statistic n is maximum. Therefore, array elements 0 and n+1 are -inf and +inf.


X (numpy.ndarray of shape (n,)) – Data for order statistics. Can be vectorized. Must be sortable data type (which is almost everything).


o_stats – Order statistics on X.

Return type

numpy.ndarray of shape (n+2,)

bayesmark.quantiles.quantile(X, q)[source]

Computes q th quantile of X.

Similar to numpy.percentile() except that it matches the mathematical definition of a quantile and q is scaled in (0,1) rather than (0,100).

  • X (numpy.ndarray of shape (n,)) – Data for quantile estimation. Can be vectorized. Must be sortable data type (which is almost everything).

  • q (float) – Quantile to compute, must be in (0, 1). Can be vectorized.


estimate – Empirical q quantile from sample X.

Return type

dtype of X, scalar

bayesmark.quantiles.quantile_CI(X, q, alpha=0.05)[source]

Calculate CI on q quantile from same X using nonparametric estimation from order statistics.

This will have alpha level of at most alpha due to the discrete nature of order statistics.

  • X (numpy.ndarray of shape (n,)) – Data for quantile estimation. Can be vectorized. Must be sortable data type (which is almost everything).

  • q (float) – Quantile to compute, must be in (0, 1). Can be vectorized.

  • alpha (float) – False positive rate we allow for CI, must be in (0, 1). Can be vectorized.


  • LB (dtype of X, scalar) – Lower end on CI

  • UB (dtype of X, scalar) – Upper end on CI

bayesmark.quantiles.quantile_and_CI(X, q, alpha=0.05)[source]

Calculate CI on q quantile from same X using nonparametric estimation from order statistics.

This will have alpha level of at most alpha due to the discrete nature of order statistics.

  • X (numpy.ndarray of shape (n,)) – Data for quantile estimation. Can be vectorized. Must be sortable data type (which is almost everything).

  • q (float) – Quantile to compute, must be in (0, 1). Can be vectorized.

  • alpha (float) – False positive rate we allow for CI, must be in (0, 1). Can be vectorized.


  • estimate (dtype of X, scalar) – Empirical q quantile from sample X.

  • LB (dtype of X, scalar) – Lower end on CI

  • UB (dtype of X, scalar) – Upper end on CI


A serialization abstraction layer (SAL) to save and load experimental results. All IO of experimental results should go through this module. This makes changing the backend (between different databases) transparent to the benchmark code.

class bayesmark.serialize.XRSerializer[source]

Serialization layer when saving and loading xarray datasets (currently) as json.


List the derived keys currently available in the database.

  • db_root (str) – Absolute path to the database.

  • db (str) – The name of the database.


keys – The variable names (or keys) in the database for derived data.

Return type



List the non-derived keys available in the database.

  • db_root (str) – Absolute path to the database.

  • db (str) – The name of the database.


keys – The variable names (or keys) in the database for non-derived data.

Return type


get_uuids(db, key)[source]

List the UUIDs for the versions of a variable (non-derived key) available in the database.

  • db_root (str) – Absolute path to the database.

  • db (str) – The name of the database.

  • keys (str) – The variable name in the database for non-derived data.


uuids – The UUIDs for the versions of this key.

Return type


init_db(keys, db=None, exist_ok=True)[source]

Initialize a “database” for storing data at the specified location.

  • db_root (str) – Absolute path to the database.

  • keys (list(str)) – The variable names (or keys) we will store in the database for non-derived data.

  • db (str) – The name of the database. If None, a non-conflicting name will be generated.

  • exist_ok (bool) – If true, do not raise an error if this database already exists.


db – The name of the database.

Return type


init_db_manual(keys, db)[source]

Instruction for how one would manually initialize the “database” on another system.

  • db_root (str) – Absolute path to the database.

  • keys (list(str)) – The variable names (or keys) we will store in the database for non-derived data.

  • db (str) – The name of the database.


manual_setup_info – The setup instructions.

Return type


load(db, key, uuid_)[source]

Load a dataset under a key name in the database. This is the inverse of save().

  • db_root (str) – Absolute path to the database.

  • db (str) – The name of the database.

  • key (str) – The variable name in the database for the data.

  • uuid_ (uuid.UUID) – The UUID to represent the version of this variable we want to load.


  • data (xarray.Dataset) – An xarray.Dataset variable for the non-derived data from an experiment.

  • meta (json-serializable) – Associated meta-data with the experiment. This can be anything json serializable.

load_derived(db, key)[source]

Load a dataset under a key name in the database as derived data. This is the inverse of save_derived().

  • db_root (str) – Absolute path to the database.

  • db (str) – The name of the database.

  • key (str) – The variable name in the database for the data.


  • data (xarray.Dataset) – An xarray.Dataset variable for the derived data from experiments.

  • meta (json-serializable) – Associated meta-data with the experiments. This can be anything json serializable.

logging_path(db, uuid_)[source]

Get an absolute path for logging from an experiment given its UUID.

  • db_root (str) – Absolute path to the database.

  • db (str) – The name of the database.

  • uuid_ (uuid.UUID) – The UUID to represent this experiment.


logfile – Absolute path suitable for logging in this experiment.

Return type


save(meta, db_root, db, key, uuid_)[source]

Save a dataset under a key name in the database.

  • data (xarray.Dataset) – An xarray.Dataset variable we would like to store as non-derived data from an experiment.

  • meta (json-serializable) – Associated meta-data with the experiment. This can be anything json serializable.

  • db_root (str) – Absolute path to the database.

  • db (str) – The name of the database.

  • key (str) – The variable name in the database for the data.

  • uuid_ (uuid.UUID) – The UUID to represent the version of this variable we are storing.

save_derived(meta, db_root, db, key)[source]

Save a dataset under a key name in the database as derived data.

  • data (xarray.Dataset) – An xarray.Dataset variable we would like to store as derived data from experiments.

  • meta (json-serializable) – Associated meta-data with the experiments. This can be anything json serializable.

  • db_root (str) – Absolute path to the database.

  • db (str) – The name of the database.

  • key (str) – The variable name in the database for the data.

Sklearn Tuning

Routines to build a standardized interface to make sklearn hyper-parameter tuning problems look like an objective function.

This file mostly contains a dictionary collection of all sklearn test funcs.

The format of each element in MODELS is: model_name: (model_class, fixed_param_dict, search_param_api_dict) model_name is an arbitrary name to refer to a certain strategy. At usage time, the optimizer instance is created using: model_class(**kwarg_dict) The kwarg dict is fixed_param_dict + search_param_dict. The search_param_dict comes from a optimizer which is configured using the search_param_api_dict. See the API description for information on setting up the search_param_api_dict.

class bayesmark.sklearn_funcs.SklearnModel(model, dataset, metric, shuffle_seed=0, data_root=None)[source]

Test class for sklearn classifier/regressor CV score objective functions.


Evaluate the sklearn CV objective at a particular parameter setting.


params (dict(str, object)) – The varying (non-fixed) parameter dict to the sklearn model.


cv_loss – Average loss over CV splits for sklearn model when tested using the settings in params.

Return type


static inverse_test_case_str(test_case)[source]

Inverse of test_case_str.

static test_case_str(model, dataset, scorer)[source]

Generate the combined test case string from model, dataset, and scorer combination.

class bayesmark.sklearn_funcs.SklearnSurrogate(model, dataset, scorer, path)[source]

Test class for sklearn classifier/regressor CV score objective function surrogates.


Evaluate the sklearn CV objective at a particular parameter setting.


params (dict(str, object)) – The varying (non-fixed) parameter dict to the sklearn model.


overall_loss – Average loss over CV splits for sklearn model when tested using the settings in params.

Return type


class bayesmark.sklearn_funcs.TestFunction[source]

Abstract base class for test functions in the benchmark. These do not need to be ML hyper-parameter tuning.

abstract evaluate(params)[source]

Abstract method to evaluate the function at a parameter setting.


Get the API config for this test problem.


api_config – The API config for the used model. See README for API description.

Return type

dict(str, dict(str, object))


Do the conversion of search spaces into a normalized cartesian space.

class, values=None, range_=None)[source]

Space for transforming Boolean variables to continuous normalized space.

class, values=None, range_=None)[source]

Space for transforming categorical variables to continuous normalized space.


Inverse of warp function.


X_w (numpy.ndarray of shape (…, m)) – Warped version of input space. The warped space has a one-hot encoding and therefore m is the number of possible values in the space. X_w will have a float type. Non-zero/one values are allowed in X_w. The maximal element in the vector is taken as the encoded value.


X – Unwarped version of X_w. X will have same type code as the Categorical class, which is unicode ('U').

Return type

numpy.ndarray of shape (…)


Warp inputs to a continuous space.


X (numpy.ndarray of shape (…)) – Input variables to warp. This is vectorized to work in any dimension, but it must have the same type code as the class, which is unicode ('U') for the Categorical space.


X_w – Warped version of input space. By convention there is an extra dimension on warped array. The warped space has a one-hot encoding and therefore m is the number of possible values in the space. X_w will have a float type.

Return type

numpy.ndarray of shape (…, m)

class'linear', values=None, range_=None)[source]

Space for transforming integer variables to continuous normalized space.


Combination of multiple Space objectives to transform multiple variables at the same time (jointly).


Get bounds of the warped joint space.


bounds – Bounds in the warped space. First column is the lower bound and the second column is the upper bound. bounds.tolist() gives the bounds in the standard form expected by scipy optimizers: [(lower_1, upper_1), ..., (lower_n, upper_n)].

Return type

numpy.ndarray of shape (m, 2)


Return grid spanning the original (unwarped) space.


max_interp (int) – The number of points to use in grid space when a range and not values are used to define the space. Must be >= 0.


axes – Grids spanning the original spaces of each variable. For each variable, this is simply self.values if a grid has already been specified, otherwise it is just grid across the range.

Return type

dict(str, list)

unwarp(X_w, fixed_vals={})[source]

Inverse of warp().

  • X_w (numpy.ndarray of shape (n, m)) – Warped version of input space. Must be 2D float numpy.ndarray. n is the number of separate points in the warped joint space. m is the size of the joint warped space, which can be inferred in advance by calling get_bounds().

  • fixed_vals (dict) – Subset of variables we want to keep fixed in X. Unwarp checks that the unwarped version of X_w matches fixed_vals up to numerical error. Otherwise, an error is raised.


X – List of n points in the joint space to warp. Each list element is a dictionary where each key corresponds to a variable in the joint space.

Return type

list(dict(str, object)) of shape (n,)


Raise ValueError if X does not match the format expected for a joint space.


Warp inputs to a continuous space.


X (list(dict(str, object)) of shape (n,)) – List of n points in the joint space to warp. Each list element is a dictionary where each key corresponds to a variable in the joint space. Keys can be be missing in the records and the according warped variables will be nan.


X_w – Warped version of input space. Result is 2D float np array. n is the number of input points, length of X. m is the size of the joint warped space, which can be inferred by calling get_bounds().

Return type

numpy.ndarray of shape (n, m)

class'linear', values=None, range_=None)[source]

Space for transforming real variables to normalized space (after warping).

class, default_round, warp='linear', values=None, range_=None)[source]

Base class for all types of variables.


Get bounds of the warped space.


bounds – Bounds in the warped space. First column is the lower bound and the second column is the upper bound. Calling bounds.tolist() gives the bounds in the standard form expected by scipy optimizers: [(lower_1, upper_1), ..., (lower_n, upper_n)].

Return type

numpy.ndarray of shape (D, 2)


Return grid spanning the original (unwarped) space.


max_interp (int) – The number of points to use in grid space when a range and not values are used to define the space. Must be >= 0.


values – Grid spanning the original space. This is simply self.values if a grid has already been specified, otherwise it is just grid across the range.

Return type



Inverse of warp function.


X_w (numpy.ndarray of shape (…, m)) – Warped version of input space. This is vectorized to work in any dimension. But, by convention, there is an extra dimension on the warped array. Currently, the last dimension m=1 for all warpers. X_w must be of a float type.


X – Unwarped version of X_w. X will have the same type code as the class, which is in self.type_code.

Return type

numpy.ndarray of shape (…)

validate(X, pre=False)[source]

Routine to validate inputs to warp.

This routine does not perform any checking on the dimensionality of X and is fully vectorized.

validate_warped(X, pre=False)[source]

Routine to validate inputs to unwarp. This routine is vectorized, but X must have at least 1-dimension.


Warp inputs to a continuous space.


X (numpy.ndarray of shape (…)) – Input variables to warp. This is vectorized to work in any dimension, but it must have the same type code as the class, which is in self.type_code.


X_w – Warped version of input space. By convention there is an extra dimension on warped array. Currently, m=1 for all warpers. X_w will have a float type.

Return type

numpy.ndarray of shape (…, m)[source]

Inverse of bilog() function.


x (scalar) – Input variable in linear space. Can be any numeric type and is vectorizable.


y – The biexp of x.

Return type


Bilog warping function. Extension of log to work with negative numbers.

Bilog(x) ~= log(x) for large x or -log(abs(x)) if x is negative. However, the bias term ensures good behavior near 0 and bilog(0) = 0.


x (scalar) – Input variable in linear space. Can be any numeric type and is vectorizable.


y – The bilog of x.

Return type

float, labels, assume_sorted=False)[source]

Perform inverse of one-hot encoder encode.

  • Y (numpy.ndarray of shape (…, n)) – One-hot encoding of categorical data X. Extra dimension is appended at end for the one-hot vector. Maximum element is taken if there is more than one non-zero entry in one-hot vector.

  • labels (numpy.ndarray of shape (n,)) – Complete list of all possible labels. List is flattened if it is not already 1-dimensional.

  • assume_sorted (bool) – If true, assume labels is already sorted and unique. This saves the computational cost of calling numpy.unique().


X – Categorical values corresponding to one-hot encoded Y.

Return type

numpy.ndarray of shape (…), labels, assume_sorted=False, dtype=<class 'bool'>, assume_valid=False)[source]

Perform one hot encoding of categorical data in numpy.ndarray variable X of any dimension.

  • X (numpy.ndarray of shape (…)) – Categorical values of any standard type. Vectorized to work for any dimensional X.

  • labels (numpy.ndarray of shape (n,)) – Complete list of all possible labels. List is flattened if it is not already 1 dimensional.

  • assume_sorted (bool) – If true, assume labels is already sorted and unique. This saves the computational cost of calling numpy.unique().

  • dtype (type) – Desired data of feature array. One-hot is most logically bool, but feature matrices are usually float.

  • assume_valid (bool) – If true, assume all element of X are in the list labels. This saves the computational cost of verifying X are in labels. If true and a non-label X occurs this routine will silently give bogus result.


Y – One-hot encoding of X. Extra dimension is appended at end for the one-hot vector. It has data type dtype.

Return type

numpy.ndarray of shape (…, n)[source]

Helper function that perform warping in linear space. Sort of a no-op.


x (scalar) – Input variable in linear space. Can be any numeric type and is vectorizable.


y – Same as input x.

Return type



General statistic tools useful in the benchmark.

bayesmark.stats.robust_standardize(X, q_level=0.5)[source]

Perform robust standardization of data matrix X over axis 0.

Similar to sklearn.preprocessing.robust_scale() except also does a Gaussian adjustment rescaling so that if Gaussian data is passed in the transformed data will, in large n, be distributed as N(0,1). See sklearn feature request #10139 on github.

  • X (numpy.ndarray of shape (n, …)) – Array containing elements standardize. Require n >= 2.

  • q_level (scalar) – Must be in [0, 1]. Inter-quartile range to use for scale estimation.


X – Elements of input X standardization.

Return type

numpy.ndarray of shape (n, …)

bayesmark.stats.t_EB(x, alpha=0.05, axis=-1)[source]

Get t-statistic based error bars on mean of x.

  • x (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_samples,)) – Data points to estimate mean. Must not be empty or contain NaN.

  • alpha (float) – The alpha level (1-confidence) probability (in (0, 1)) to construct confidence interval from t-statistic.

  • axis (int) – The axis on x where we compute the t-statistics. The function is vectorized over all other dimensions.


EB – Size of error bar on mean (>= 0). The confidence interval is [mean(x) - EB, mean(x) + EB]. EB is inf when len(x) <= 1. Will be NaN if there are any infinite values in x.

Return type


Util (General)

General utilities that should arguably be included in Python.


Check if all elements in a list are unique.


L (list) – List we would like to check for uniqueness.


uniq – True if all elements in L are unique.

Return type


bayesmark.util.chomp(str_val, ext='\n')[source]

Chomp a suffix off a string.

  • str_val (str) – String we want to chomp off a suffix, e.g., "foo.log", and we want to chomp the file extension.

  • ext (str) – The suffix we want to chomp. An error is raised if str_val doesn’t end in ext.


chomped – Version of str_val with ext removed from the end.

Return type


bayesmark.util.in_or_none(x, L)[source]

Check if item is in list of list is None.

bayesmark.util.preimage_func(f, x)[source]

Pre-image a funcation at a set of input points.

  • f (typing.Callable) – The function we would like to pre-image. The output type must be hashable.

  • x (typing.Iterable) – Input points we would like to evaluate f. x must be of a type acceptable by f.


D – This dictionary maps the output of f to the list of x values that produce it.

Return type

dict(object, list(object))


Version of range(stop) that instead returns strings that are zero padded so the entire iteration is of the same length.


stop (int) – Stop value equivalent to range(stop).


x (str) – String representation of integer zero padded so all items from this generator have the same len(x).

bayesmark.util.shell_join(argv, delim=' ')[source]

Join strings together in a way that is an inverse of shlex shell parsing into argv.

Basically, if the resulting string is passed as a command line argument then sys.argv will equal argv.

  • argv (list(str)) – List of arguments to collect into command line string. It will be escaped accordingly.

  • delim (str) – Whitespace delimiter to join the strings.


cmd – Properly escaped and joined command line string.

Return type


bayesmark.util.str_join_safe(delim, str_vec, append=False)[source]

Version of str.join that is guaranteed to be invertible.

  • delim (str) – Delimiter to join the strings.

  • str_vec (list(str)) – List of strings to join. A ValueError is raised if delim is present in any of these strings.

  • append (bool) – If true, assume the first element is already joined and we are appending to it. So, str_vec[0] can contain delim.


joined_str – Joined version of str_vec, which is always recoverable with joined_str.split(delim).

Return type



Append is required because,

ss = str_join_safe('_', ('foo', 'bar'))
str_join_safe('_', (ss, 'baz', 'qux'))

would fail because we are appending 'baz' and 'qux' to the already joined string ss = 'foo_bar'.

In this case, we use

ss = str_join_safe('_', ('foo', 'bar'))
str_join_safe('_', (ss, 'baz', 'qux'), append=True)

Return a strictly sorted version of L. Therefore, this raises an error if L contains duplicates.


L (list) – List we would like to sort.


S – Strictly sorted version of L.

Return type


Xarray Util

General utilities for xarray that should be included in xarray.

bayesmark.xr_util.coord_compat(da_seq, dims)[source]

Check if a sequence of xarray.DataArray have compatible coordinates.


compat – True if all the xarray.DataArray have compatible coordinates.

Return type


bayesmark.xr_util.da_concat(da_dict, dims)[source]

Concatenate a dictionary of xarray.DataArray similar to pandas.concat().

  • da_dict (dict(tuple(str), xarray.DataArray)) – Dictionary of xarray.DataArray to combine. The keys are tuples of index values. The xarray.DataArray must have compatible coordinates.

  • dims (list(str)) – The names of the new dimensions we create for the dictionary keys. This must be of the same length as the key tuples in da_dict.


da – Combined data array. The new dimensions will be input_da.dims + dims.

Return type



Generate a human readable version of a 1D xarray.DataArray.


da (xarray.DataArray) – The xarray.DataArray to display. Must only have one dimension.


str_val – String with human readable version of da.

Return type


bayesmark.xr_util.ds_concat(ds_dict, dims)[source]

Concatenate a dictionary of xarray.Dataset similar to pandas.concat(), and a generalization of da_concat().

  • ds_dict (dict(tuple(str), xarray.DataArray)) – Dictionary of xarray.Dataset to combine. The keys are tuples of index values. The xarray.Dataset must have compatible coordinates, and all have the same variables.

  • dims (list(str)) – The names of the new dimensions we create for the dictionary keys. This must be of the same length as the key tuples in ds_dict.


ds – Combined dataset. For each variable var, the new dimensions will be input_ds[var].dims + dims.

Return type


bayesmark.xr_util.ds_like(ref, vars_, dims, fill=nan)[source]

Produce a blank xarray.Dataset copying some coordinates from another xarray.Dataset.

  • ref (xarray.Dataset) – The reference dataset we want to copy coordinates from.

  • vars_ (typing.Iterable) – List of variable names we want in the new dataset.

  • dims (list) – List of dimensions we want to copy over from ref. These are the dimensions of the output.

  • fill (scalar) – Scalar value to fill the blank dataset. The dtype will be determined from the fill value.


ds – A new dataset with variables vars_ and dimensions dims where the coordinates have been copied from ref. All values are filled with fill.

Return type


bayesmark.xr_util.ds_like_mixed(ref, vars_, dims, fill=nan)[source]

The same as ds_like but allow different dimensions for each variable.

  • ref (xarray.Dataset) – The reference dataset we want to copy coordinates from.

  • vars_ (typing.Iterable) – List of (variable names, dimension) pairs we want in the new dataset. The dimensions for each variable must be a subset of dims.

  • dims (list) – List of all dimensions we want to copy over from ref.

  • fill (scalar) – Scalar value to fill the blank dataset. The dtype will be determined from the fill value.


ds – A new dataset with variables vars_ and dimensions dims where the coordinates have been copied from ref. All values are filled with fill.

Return type


bayesmark.xr_util.is_simple_coords(coords, min_side=0, dims=None)[source]

Check if all xr coordinates are “simple”. That is, equals to np.arange(n).

  • coords (dict-like of coordinates) – The coordinates we would like to check, e.g. from DataArray.coords.

  • min_side (int) – The minimum side requirement. We can set this min_side=1 and have empty coordinates result in a return value of False.

  • dims (None or list of dimension names) – Dimensions we want to check for simplicity. If None, check all dimensions.


simple – True when all coordinates are simple.

Return type



Convert a xarray.Dataset to a xarray.DataArray. If the xarray.Dataset has more than one variable, an error is raised.


ds (xarray.Dataset) – xarray.Dataset we would like to convert to a xarray.DataArray. This must contain only one variable.


da – The xarray.DataArray extracted from ds.

Return type
