Source code for bayesmark.experiment_baseline

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"""Build performance baselines from aggregate results to prepare analysis.
import logging
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np

import bayesmark.constants as cc
import bayesmark.expected_max as em
import bayesmark.quantiles as qt
from bayesmark.cmd_parse import CmdArgs, general_parser, parse_args
from bayesmark.experiment_aggregate import validate_agg_perf
from bayesmark.serialize import XRSerializer
from bayesmark.util import str_join_safe
from bayesmark.xr_util import ds_concat, ds_like_mixed

# Mathematical settings
# We could move these to constants to eliminate repetition but we will probably phase out anyway
EVAL_Q = 0.5  # Evaluate based on median loss across n_trials
ALPHA = 0.05  # ==> 95% CIs
MIN_POS = np.nextafter(0, 1)
PAD_FACTOR = 10000

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def validate(baseline_ds): """Perform same tracks as will happen in analysis.""" for func_name in baseline_ds.coords[TEST_CASE].values: rand_perf_med = baseline_ds[PERF_MED].sel({TEST_CASE: func_name}, drop=True).values rand_perf_mean = baseline_ds[PERF_MEAN].sel({TEST_CASE: func_name}, drop=True).values best_opt = baseline_ds[PERF_BEST].sel({TEST_CASE: func_name}, drop=True).values base_clip_val = baseline_ds[PERF_CLIP].sel({TEST_CASE: func_name}, drop=True).values assert np.all(np.diff(rand_perf_med) <= 0), "Baseline should be decreasing with iteration" assert np.all(np.diff(rand_perf_mean) <= 0), "Baseline should be decreasing with iteration" assert np.all(rand_perf_med > best_opt) assert np.all(rand_perf_mean > best_opt) assert np.all(rand_perf_mean <= base_clip_val)
[docs]def compute_baseline(perf_da): """Compute a performance baseline of base and best performance from the aggregate experimental results. Parameters ---------- perf_da : :class:`xarray:xarray.DataArray` Aggregate experimental results with each function evaluation in the experiments. `all_perf` has dimensions ``(ITER, SUGGEST, TEST_CASE, METHOD, TRIAL)`` as is assumed to have no nan values. Returns ------- baseline_ds : :class:`xarray:xarray.Dataset` Dataset with baseline performance. It was variables ``(PERF_MED, PERF_MEAN, PERF_CLIP, PERF_BEST)`` with dimensions ``(ITER, TEST_CASE)``, ``(ITER, TEST_CASE)``, ``(TEST_CASE,)``, and ``(TEST_CASE,)``, respectively. `PERF_MED` is a baseline of performance based on random search when using medians to summarize performance. Likewise, `PERF_MEAN` is for means. `PERF_CLIP` is an upperbound to clip poor performance when using the mean. `PERF_BEST` is an estimate on the global minimum. """ validate_agg_perf(perf_da) ref_prefix = str_join_safe(ARG_DELIM, (cc.RANDOM_SEARCH, "")) ref_random = [kk for kk in perf_da.coords[METHOD].values if kk.startswith(ref_prefix)] assert len(ref_random) > 0, "Did not find any random search in methods." # Now many points we will have after each batch trials_grid = perf_da.sizes[SUGGEST] * (1 + np.arange(perf_da.sizes[ITER])) # Now iterate over problems and get baseline performance baseline_ds = ds_like_mixed( perf_da, [ (PERF_MED, [ITER, TEST_CASE]), (PERF_MEAN, [ITER, TEST_CASE]), (PERF_CLIP, [TEST_CASE]), (PERF_BEST, [TEST_CASE]), ], (ITER, TEST_CASE), ) for func_name in perf_da.coords[TEST_CASE].values: random_evals = np.ravel(perf_da.sel({METHOD: ref_random, TEST_CASE: func_name}, drop=True).values) assert random_evals.size > 0 # We will likely change this to a min mean (instead of median) using a different util in near future: assert np.all(trials_grid == perf_da.sizes[SUGGEST] * (1 + baseline_ds.coords[ITER].values)) rand_perf, _, _ = qt.min_quantile_CI(random_evals, EVAL_Q, trials_grid, alpha=ALPHA) baseline_ds[PERF_MED].loc[{TEST_CASE: func_name}] = rand_perf # Decide on a level to clip when computing the mean base_clip_val = qt.quantile(random_evals, EVAL_Q) assert np.isfinite(base_clip_val), "Median random search performance is not even finite." assert (perf_da.sizes[SUGGEST] > 1) or np.isclose(base_clip_val, rand_perf[0]) baseline_ds[PERF_CLIP].loc[{TEST_CASE: func_name}] = base_clip_val # Estimate the global min via best of any method best_opt = np.min(perf_da.sel({TEST_CASE: func_name}, drop=True).values) if np.any(rand_perf <= best_opt): warnings.warn( "Random search is also the best search on %s, the normalized score may be meaningless." % func_name, RuntimeWarning, ) assert np.isfinite(best_opt), "Best performance found is not even finite.""best %s %f" % (func_name, best_opt)) # Now make sure strictly less than to avoid assert error in linear_rescale. This will likely give normalized # scores of +inf or -inf, but with median summary that is ok. When everything goes to mean, we will need to # change this: pad = PAD_FACTOR * np.spacing(-np.maximum(MIN_POS, np.abs(best_opt))) assert pad < 0 best_opt = best_opt + pad assert np.isfinite(best_opt), "Best performance too close to limit of float range." assert np.all(rand_perf > best_opt) baseline_ds[PERF_BEST].loc[{TEST_CASE: func_name}] = best_opt random_evals = np.minimum(base_clip_val, random_evals) assert np.all(np.isfinite(random_evals)) assert np.all(best_opt <= random_evals) rand_perf = em.expected_min(random_evals, trials_grid) rand_perf_fixed = np.minimum(base_clip_val, rand_perf) assert np.allclose(rand_perf, rand_perf_fixed) rand_perf_fixed = np.minimum.accumulate(rand_perf_fixed) assert np.allclose(rand_perf, rand_perf_fixed) baseline_ds[PERF_MEAN].loc[{TEST_CASE: func_name}] = rand_perf_fixed assert not any(np.any(np.isnan(baseline_ds[kk].values)) for kk in baseline_ds) validate(baseline_ds) return baseline_ds
def do_baseline(args): # pragma: io """Alternate entry into the program without calling the actual main. """ # Load in the eval data and sanity check perf_ds, meta = XRSerializer.load_derived(args[CmdArgs.db_root], db=args[CmdArgs.db], key=cc.EVAL_RESULTS)"Meta data from source file: %s" % str(meta["args"])) D = OrderedDict() for kk in perf_ds: perf_da = perf_ds[kk] D[(kk,)] = compute_baseline(perf_da) baseline_ds = ds_concat(D, dims=(cc.OBJECTIVE,)) # Keep in same order for cleanliness baseline_ds = baseline_ds.sel({cc.OBJECTIVE: list(perf_ds)}) assert list(perf_ds) == baseline_ds.coords[cc.OBJECTIVE].values.tolist() # Could optionally remove this once we think things have enough tests for kk in D: assert baseline_ds.sel({cc.OBJECTIVE: kk[0]}, drop=True).identical(D[kk]) # Now dump the results XRSerializer.save_derived(baseline_ds, meta, args[CmdArgs.db_root], db=args[CmdArgs.db], key=cc.BASELINE) def main(): """See README for instructions on calling baseline. """ description = "Aggregate the baselines for later analysis in benchmark" args = parse_args(general_parser(description)) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Note this is the module-wide logger if args[CmdArgs.verbose]: logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) do_baseline(args)"done") if __name__ == "__main__": main() # pragma: main